دکتر فریبا قلمکارپور
متخصص پوست و مو
شماره نظام پزشکی: ۲۴۵۷۲
دکتر فریبا قلمکارپور، دانشیار دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی و دارای فلوشیپ آسیب شناسی پوست و متخصص پوست و مو و بیماری های پوستی و زیبایی هستند.
نشانی مطب: تهران، منطقه 6، ولی عصر، روبروی بیمارستان دی، ساختمان پزشکان دی
ساعت کاری: شنبه، دوشنبه 20:00 – 17:00
نشانی بیمارستان: تهران، میدان تجریش، خیابان شهرداری، بیمارستان شهدای تجریش
ساعت کاری: چهارشنبه 13:00 – 8:30
ادرس مطب دکتر فریبا قلمکارپور
سابقه فعالیت های اجرایی
1.Member of Iranian Society of Dermatology.
2.Member of skin research center Shahid Beheshti Medical University.
3.Member of Scientific Evaluation Committee of Dermatologic Department
4.Faculty of Dermatopathology Teaching Committee of Dermatology Department Shahid Beheshti University
5.Member of Dermatology Pre- board Annul National Exams
6.Member of European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology
7.International Fellow of American Academy of Dermatology
8.Previous Member of Advisory Board of (IMCAS) International Master Course of Anti aging 2006-2008
9.Executive Advisory & Liaison board in 1ST IWCC, Kitzbuhel, Austria .
Dec 13-15 2012
10.Chair in 2nd Continental Congress of Dermatology, 8 Jul. 4th Russian Congress of Dermatovenereology, St. Petersburg, Russia July 6-9 July 2011
11.Dermatology Department Chief preceptor in education of Medical students
فعالیت در کنگره، کارگاه و همایش داخل کشور:
1.Fillers in Rejuvenation. Instructor of Workshop , 2014,Skin Diseases update (skin & Aging). Tehran Medical University of Medical Sciences
2.Instructor of Workshop.2000 up to 2013, 13th annual congress of Iranian society of dermatology, Tehran Iran
3.Review of the latest articles and innovation in dermatology congress, Instructor of Workshop 2006 up to2014, Shahid Beheshti Medical University of Medical Sciences, Teheran, Iran
4.Fillers in Rejuvenation. Instructor of Workshop 2006 up to now, Iran Medical University of Medical Sciences
5.Dermatology Congress, Instructor of Workshop 2005, Iran Medical University of Medical Sciences
6.Instructor of Workshop 2005 held by Mashad Medical University of Medical Sciences
7.Iranian Aesthetic skin reconstruction and laser treatment seminar , Instructor of Workshop 2002-2003
8.Instructor of BTX and fillers workshops held by Shahid Beheshti Medical University of Medical Sciences, Teheran, Iran
فعالیت در ژورنال های پژوهشی خارجی:
Reviewer of Journal of Dermatologic Therapy
Editorial Board of Journal of Pigmentory Disorders
Reviewer of Clinical and Experimental Journal of Dermatology
مقاله چاپ شده در نشریات فارسی زبان:
1.Ghalamkarpour F. Comparison of Seagol and Lutsin Antisolar in prevention of Sun Burn. Pajoohandeh 2000 (18); 227-231
2.Ghalamkarpour F. Evaluation of thyroid dysfunction and alopecia. Areata Pajoohandeh 2001 (4); 327-330
3.Ghalamkarpour F. The relationship of serum level of folic acid and vitamin B12 in vitiligo. Pajouhesh dar pezeshki 2007(31) No (3); 261-264
4.Ghalamkarpour F. IPL effect on photo rejuvenation.Pajouhesh dar pezeshki 2007( 31)No (2);169-1
.5.Moravvej H, Ghalamkarpour F. Evaluation of oral isotretinoin on vit D, Ca, PTH and radiographic change of bones in patient with nodulocystic acne
Pajouhandeh 1386
6.Ghalamkarpour F. Evaluation of androgenetic alopecia and coronary artery disease in male. Pajouhadeh 2007 (12) No (3); 153-160
مقاله چاپ شده در نشریات انگلیسی زبان :
1.Ghalamkarpour F, Toossi P. Scrotal tongue as a valuable sign in diagnosis of psoriasis. Med. J IsI Red Iran 1999; 4 (2) : 93-95
2.Ghalamkar pour F. Elastofibroma dorsi . Iranian Arch. Med 1999(1); 45-47
3.Ghalamkarpour F, Zolghadr S. Effect of isotretinoin therapy on bone mineral density and calcium homeostasis in acne patients. Iranian journal of Dermatology (IJD) 2005 (8) N (6)
4.Ghalamkarpour F. Evaluation of human papilloma virus and anogenital warts by PCR. IJD 2005 (9) No (1); 22-37
5.Ghalamkarpour F, Nasiri S. Isotretinoin in treatment of acne: its efficacy side effects and recurrence rate of disease. Archives of Iranian Medicine 2006 (9); 228-230
6.Tehranchi Z, Alaeein A, Ghalamkarpour F. High dose eximer laser on Psoriasis. 2007(12) No (5); 406-401
7.Ghalamkarpour F. Bilateral angiosarcoma in an elderly man. Isfahan Journal of Dermatology 2007(2) No1; spring summer 51-53.
8.Nasiri S, Ghalamkarpour F, Yousefi M, Sadighha A. serum zinc levels in Iranian patients with acne. Clinical Experimental Dermatol. 2009 Oct; 34 (7): e446.
9.Ghalamkarpour F, Aghazadeh Y, Odabaei G. Safe botulinum toxin type A injection in patients with history of eyelid ptosis. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2009 Jun; 8 (2): 98-102.
10.Lotfi S, Ghalamkarpour F, Rahimi H, Kani ZA, Yousefi M, Qaisari M. An ulcerated tumor in an infant. Dermatol Online J. 2010 Apr 15; 16 (4): 9.
11.Ghalamkarpour f, Robati RM, Aryanejad F, Toossi P. supraciliary wrinkles and botulinum toxin A. Clinical Experimental Dermatol. 2010 Jun; 35 (4): 388-91. Epub 2009 Oct 23.
12.Ghalamkarpour F, M Saeedi, M Hedayati, A Maarefat. Soluble E-selectin and P-Selectin serum levels in patients with psoriasis compared to healthy controls. Iranian Journal of Dermatology; 2010 Spring;Vol 13, No 51.
13.Ghalamkarpour F, Ayatollahi A, Hejazi S. Pemphigus Foliaceus, Indian Pediatrics, volume 49,March16,2012
14.Ebadi A, Moravvej, H, Hejazi S, Younespour S, Ghalamkarpour (Corresponding Author)
Efficacy and tolerability of needling as an adjuvant to narrowband ultraviolet B therapy in the treatment of vitiligo: a clinical trial. Iranian Journal of Dermatology; 2013 Autumn;Vol 16, No 3
15.The additive effect of excimer laser on non-cultured melanocyte-keratinocyte transplantation for the treatment of vitiligo: a clinical trial in an Iranian population.
Ebadi A, Rad MM, Nazari S, Fesharaki RJ, Ghalamkarpour F, Younespour S.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2014 Oct 28. doi: 10.1111/jdv.12674
مقاله ارائه شده درکنگره داخلی:
1.Introduction and Indication of BTX in Dermatology. Dermatology Congress 1998 ,Shahid Beheshti Medical University of Medical Sciences, Teheran, Iran
2.Fillers. Ophthalmology Congress 2006 , Iranian Ophthalmology Society congress
3.Non-Surgical facial reconturing 2008, ,Shahid Beheshti Medical University of Medical Sciences, Teheran, Iran
4.Childhood Bullous Diseases 2013,6th congress of Evidence Base of dermatology Skin & Leprosy Center , Tehran Medical University of Medical Sciences, Teheran, Iran
5.Whats new In BTX injection 2013, 13th annual congress of Iranian society of dermatology, Tehran Iran
6.Fillers in Rejuvenation, 2014, Skin Diseases update (skin & Aging).
Tehran Medical University of Medical Sciences
مقاله ارائه شده در کنگره بین المللی:
1.Hair follicle biology and physiology Iran International Laser course 2001
11th congress ofDoes sun screen with SPF = 30 has a full protection against sun burn.2
EADV,Prague, Gzech Republic Oct 2002.
3.Evaluation of efficacy and complication of Ro-accutane in severe Acne vulgaris, 12th congress of EADV,Barcelona,Spain . Oct 2003.
4.Introducing a simple and safe method to correct lateral frontal wrinkles by BTX-A, 13th congress of European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology, Florence, Italy nov. 2004
5.Evaluation of patients with basal cell carcinoma at Shahid Behshti Medical University Bou-Ali hospital, 13th congress of EADV,Florence,Italy nov . 2004
6.The study of relationship between DLE and laboratory abnormalities of SLE in 50 cases of DLE 13th congress of EADV,Florence,Italy nov . 2004
7.supraciliary wrinkles and botulinum toxin A, IMCAS 2005 (International Master Course of Aging Skin France Paris may 2005
8.Double-blind, randomized study of the efficacy and safety of BTX-A in treatment of lateral frontal lines. F. Ghalamkarpour & F. Arianejad: Skin Research Center. EADV 14th congress London 2005.
9.Effect of Isotretinoin therapy on bone mineral density and calcium homeostasis in acne patients. F. Ghalamkarpour, S. Zolghadr, EADV 14th congress London 2005.
10.Botulinum Toxin-A (Dysport) injection in patients with history of ptosis. F. Ghalamkarpour, Skin Research Center Shaheed Beheshti Medical University, 15th congress EADV, Greece Rhodes. Oct 2006.
11.The relationship of serum level of folic acid and vitamin B12 and vitiligo. F.Ghalamkarpour EADV 16th congress Vienna 2007
12.IPL effect on photo rejuvenation. F.Ghalamkarpour. EADV 16th congress Vienna.2007
13.Effect of combination of Diavonex and excimer laser in vitiligo. F.Ghalamkarpour EADV 17th congress Paris 20
14.Necrotic reaction due to lip augmentation. Ghalamkarpour F. EADV 18th congress Prague 2009
15.An ulcerated tumor in an infant. S. Lotfi, F. Ghalamkarpour. EADV 19th congress Gothenburg
16.Mid brow lift and its cosmetic effect. F.Ghalamkarpour. 4th Russian Congress of Dermatovenereology, St. Petersburg, Russia July 6-9 July 201
17.A comparative study of serum level of soluble E selectin, soluble P- selectin, soluble ICAM-1, TNFα & Vonwillebrand factor in pesoriasis. . F. Ghalamkarpour . Lisbon EADV 2011
- 15year experience with botulinum toxin injection. Invited discussant: Fariba Ghalamkarpour. 1ST IWCC, Kitzbuhel, Austria .Dec 13-15 2012
19.Non-surgical facial reconstruction Invited discussant: Fariba Ghalamkarpour. 1ST IWCC, Kitzbuhel, Austria .Dec 13-15 2012
20.Improvement of deep seated eyes and medial eyelid height using combination of hyaluronic acid filler and botulinum toxin type A Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Volume 66, Issue 4, Supplement 1 , Page AB27, April 2012
کتاب ها:
Natural Antioxidants in General Medicine and in Dermatology. T. Lotti (Author), J. Hercogova (Author), D. Turini (Author), L. Tognetti (Author), V. Barygina (Author), Y. Valle (Author).Chapter 17. Antioxidant Enzymes: The Glutathione System. Fariba Ghalamkarpour, MD.
Vitiligo What’s New, What’s True. Editors: Torello Lotti, Jana Hercogová, Robert A. Schwartz Chapter 39. Vitiligo in Iran: Problems and Perspectives. Fariba Ghalamakarpour, MD